Miss Congeniality at the Palm Springs Cat Show

I had a great day at the cat show in Palm Springs! It was hot outside, but totally comfortable in the show hall.

Somali cat sitting on her Sleepypod in her cat show space

My space was a litter harder to find than usual because we had to move. Our original space was too small, so my human found a larger one in the middle of the show for me so I had lots of visiting area.

Somali cat enjoying a treat at the cat show

Here I am doing my favorite things — wearing a dress and eating a treat!

Somali cat wearing a tiara and pink boa

I got to see a bunch of people, and I think their favorite photo ops were when I wore my tiara.

Somali cat wearing her red striped dress with the cherries and ringing a bell

I did have several wardrobe changes, but I never seem to get around to all the outfits I bring. I made sure to wear this one though.

Somali cat posing at show with a pretty pearl necklace

A lot of times, I just wore my favorite pearl necklace and people were fine with that.

Somali cat at cat show, taking a catnap

I got in a few quick catnaps, but I really was busy!

Somali cat with all her popularity awards

But all that work paid off! As you know, I never compete at the shows anymore, and haven’t in years. I just visit with the attendees. But at this show, they handed the attendees these “Spectator’s Choice” award ribbons to give to their favorite cat. And I wound up getting a bunch and winning an Amazon gift card for my human! You might say I got the “Miss Congeniality” award.

Somali cat crashed out on the hotel bed

Don’t worry, I caught up on my sleep back at the hotel.

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