Peach Kitty Visit and Portraits

During our terrible triple-digit heat wave, my human was concerned about the outdoor kitties. But since they are feral and were born and grew up outside, they must have known how to deal with it. As soon as things cooled down, my human started seeing them on the security cam again. And as soon as it was cool enough for me to come outside, the peach kitty jumped over the wall to visit me!

Somali cat on leash with peach cat behind her

He was really glad to see me and hung around until he heard our neighbor putting out food. She’s the one who feeds the outdoor cat family.

Somali cat in foreground, top of her head only, with peach cat in background

He was enjoying himself and so relaxed that my human took the opportunity to take some portraits of him. You can see what a silly guy he is! I didn’t add any secret comments because the photos speak louder than words.

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