Purina ONE Dog Digestive Support, Natural Dry Dog Food, +Plus Digestive Health Formula – 16.5 lb. Bag

One (1) 16.5 lb. Bag – Purina ONE Probiotics, Natural Dry Dog Food, SmartBlend Digestive Health Formula
Digestive care dog food designed for dogs with sensitive stomachs
Highly digestible, sensitive stomach dog food formula enriched with probiotics for digestive health

Amazon.com Price: $30.68 (as of 03/01/2024 00:22 PST- Details)

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Assist your canine’s delicate abdomen with Purina ONE SmartBlend Digestive Well being Hen & Rice Method grownup dry pet food. Our nutrient-packed, tasty pet food for delicate stomachs begins off with actual rooster because the #1 ingredient, and protein-rich, meaty morsels help his muscle groups, together with a wholesome coronary heart. Omega-6 fatty acids nourish his pores and skin and coat and an antioxidant mix with nutritional vitamins E and A plus the minerals zinc and selenium gives canine immune system help. Our delicate abdomen pet food is extremely digestible and enriched with probiotics to help his digestive wellness. Canine love the mix of crunchy pet food kibble and meaty morsels, and you’re keen on that he will get a pure pet food made with added nutritional vitamins, minerals and vitamins and no synthetic flavors, preservatives or fillers. Assist your devoted grownup canine thrive with our Purina ONE rooster and rice pet food, and supply 100% full and balanced lifelong sensible vitamin crafted by a veterinarian-recommended model.

One (1) 16.5 lb. Bag – Purina ONE Probiotics, Pure Dry Canine Meals, SmartBlend Digestive Well being Method
Digestive care pet food designed for canines with delicate stomachs
Extremely digestible, delicate abdomen pet food system enriched with probiotics for digestive well being
Actual rooster is the #1 ingredient in our excessive protein dry pet food
Purina ONE is veterinarian advisable

Specification: Purina ONE Dog Digestive Support, Natural Dry Dog Food, +Plus Digestive Health Formula – 16.5 lb. Bag


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Purina ONE Dog Digestive Support, Natural Dry Dog Food, +Plus Digestive Health Formula – 16.5 lb. Bag
Purina ONE Dog Digestive Support, Natural Dry Dog Food, +Plus Digestive Health Formula – 16.5 lb. Bag

Amazon.com Price: $30.68 (as of 03/01/2024 00:22 PST- Details)

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